Graham Law

Past Publications & Presentations




Doctoral thesis

'Mystery and Uncertainty in Modern Fiction: A Study of the Relations between Popular Mystery Forms & Non-Classical Fiction'
     D.Phil. dissertation, U. of Sussex (January 1986)







The Periodical Press Revolution

Serializing Fiction in the Victorian Press.

    Palgrave (Macmillan/St Martin's Press), London/New York. October 2000.
    Google Books: <>
Go to Reviews and Comments on Serializing Fiction

Indexes to Fiction in the 'Illustrated London News' (1842-1901) and 'Graphic' (1869-1901)
    Victorian Fiction Research Guides #29, Department of English, University of Queensland, 2001.
    Online edition: <>
Go to Reviews and Comments on Indexes to Fiction

Wilkie Collins: A Literary Life
(with Andrew Maunder).
   Palgrave Macmillan, London/New York, 2008.
Go to Reviews and Comments on Wilkie Collins: A Literary Life

Charlotte M. Brame (1836-1884): Towards a Primary Bibliography
(with Greg Drozdz and Debby McNally).
    Victorian Fiction Research Guides #36, Department of Media, Canterbury Christchurch University, 2011.
    Online edition: <>

Go to Reviews and Comments on Charlotte M. Brame: Towards a Primary Bibliography

The Periodical Press Revolution: E. S. Dallas and the 19th-Century British Media System.
"Routledge Research in Journalism" Series #46. Routledge, London, 2023.
    Google Books: <>
    RSVP Colby Book Prize for 2024:
"Honourable Mention (Runner Up)"  Go to:

"The award committee praised The Periodical Press Revolution for offering 'a bold and ambitious argument centred on E. S. Dallas's influential 1859 essays for Blackwood's Magazine. Based on an intertwined methodology of quantitative data and qualitative argument, this is an impressive book about press transformations underpinned by a media theory approach. Graham Law gives fresh and valuable perspectives in particular on structural change and developments in the British nineteenth-century press through Dallas as an organizing figure.'"
Go to Reviews and Comments on The Periodical Press Revolution      

Academic Articles in Books
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'College Entrance Exams and Team Teaching in High School English Classrooms.'
    In Studies in Team Teaching ed. Minoru Wada & Antony Cominos. Kenkyusha, Tokyo, 1994.

'Industrial Designs: Form and Function in the "Condition-of-England" Novel.'
    In Corresponding Powers: Studies in Honour of Professor Hisaaki Yamanouchi ed. George Hughes. Boydell & Brewer, London, 1997.

'"Our Author": Braddon in the Provincial Weeklies' (with Jennifer Carnell).
    In Beyond Sensation: Mary Braddon in Context, ed. Marlene Tromp, Pamela Gilbert, & Aeron Haynie. SUNY Press, New York, 2000.
Go to Reviews and Comments on Beyond Sensation

'Yesterday's Sensations: Modes of Publication and Narrative Form In Collins's Late Novels.'
    In Reality's Dark Light: The Sensational Wilkie Collins, ed. Maria K. Bachman and Don Richard Cox, Univ. of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, TN., 2003.
    Go to Reviews and Comments on Reality's Dark Light

'"Nothing but a Newspaper": Serializing Fiction in the Press in the 1840s.'
    In Encounters in the Victorian Press: Editors, Authors, Readers, ed. Laurel Brake & Julie F. Codell, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Go to Reviews and Comments on Encounters in the Victorian Press

'Imagined Local Communities: Three Victorian Newspaper Novelists.'
    In Printing Places: Locations of Book Production & Distribution since 1500, ed. John Hinks & Catherine Armstrong, London: British Library/Newcastle, DEL: Oak Knoll Press, 2005.
Go to Reviews and Comments on Printing Places

'Collins on International Copyright: From "A National Wrong" (1870) to "Considerations" (1880).'
    In Wilkie Collins: Interdisciplinary Essays, ed Andrew Mangham, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007.
Go to Reviews and Comments on Wilkie Collins: Interdisciplinary Essays

'Le pouvoir a la peripherie: ver un atlas du roman-feuilleton europeen' (trans. M-F. Cachin)
    In Au bonheur du feuilleton: naissance et mutations d'un genre, ed, M-F. Cachin et al, Paris: Creaphis, 2007.

'"A Vile Way of Publishing": Gissing and Serials.' (in Japanese)
   In Gissing and Later Victorian Society and Culture (On the 150th Anniversary of His Birth), ed Mitsuharu Matuoka, Hiroshima: Keisuisha, 2007.

'Reynolds's "Memoirs" series and "the literature of the kitchen".'
    In G.W.M. Reynolds: Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Politics, and the Press, eds Louis James & Anne Humpherys, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008.
Go to Reviews and Comments on G.W.M. Reynolds

'Again the Zelig Effect: Israel Zangwill and the Modern Short Story.'
    In Studies in Victorian and Modern Literature: A Tribute to John Sutherland, ed. William Baker, Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2015.
Go to Reviews and Comments on Studies in Victorian and Modern Literature

'Neither Tales nor Short Stories?: Issues of Authorship, Readership and Publishing in A Group of Noble Dames.'
    In Thomas Hardy's Short Stories: New Perspectives, ed. Juliette Berning Schaefer & Siobhan Brownson, London/New York: Routledge, 2017.
Go to Reviews and Comments on Thomas Hardy's Short Stories

'Wilkie Collins and "the discovery of an Unknown Public".'
Journalism and the Periodical Press in Nineteenth-Century Britain, ed. Joanne Shattock, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Go to Reviews and Comments on Journalism and the Periodical Press

'Shorter Fiction.'
Wilkie Collins in Context, ed. William Baker & Richard Nemesvari, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

'Letters.'  (with William Baker, Andrew Gasson, and Paul Lewis)
Wilkie Collins in Context, ed. William Baker & Richard Nemesvari, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

'Periodicals, Popular Fiction and the Affordances of Digital Collections.' 
    In Nineteenth-Century Literature in Transition: The 1860s, ed. Pamela Gilbert, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024.

'"One of the greatest nuisances of the day"? The canvassing of British number books over the nineteenth century.'
   In Where the Victorians Got Their Reading, ed. Frederick Nesta. Brighton: Edward Everett Root, 2024.

Academic Articles in Journals

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'Reading the Signs: Poe, Doyle, and Freud' (Parts 1 & 2).
    In PSELL Journal 7 & 8 (November 1983/1984), Society for the Psychoanalytical Study of English Language and Literature, Japan.

'Variations on the Theme of Popular and Serious: Borges and Ellery Queen',
    In Journal of the Faculty of Humanities 18 (March 1984), Shinshu U., Fac. of Humanities.
Available from: <>.

'"The Question is Which is to be Master": Freud and Nabokov',
    In Journal of the Faculty of Humanities 19 (March 1985), Shinshu U., Fac. of Humanities.
Available from: <>.

'Holmes is Where One Starts from?',
    In Bulletin of the Department of Foreign Languages 33:3 (February 1986), Tokyo U., Fac. of General Education.

'Imperial Themes: Joseph Conrad and John Buchan',
    In Bulletin of the Department of Foreign Languages 35:3 (March 1988), Tokyo U., Fac. of General Education.

'"Il s'agissait peut-être d'un roman policier": Leblanc, MacDonald, Robbe-Grillet.'
    In Comparative Literature 40:4 (November 1988), Oregon U.

'First Reading: Second Thoughts on English Studies in the Japanese College Curriculum' (with Sheila Hones).
    In Keisen Jogakuen College Bulletin 1 (March 1989), Keisen Jogakuen College.
Available from: <>.

'In a Manner of Speaking: Class,Voice, and Change in Three Post-War British Films.'
     In Keisen Jogakuen College Bulletin 4 (January 1992), Keisen Jogakuen College.
Available from: <>.

'The Romance of Empire: John Buchan's Early Writings.' [34K PDF file]
    In Humanitas 31 (February 1993), Waseda University Law Society.

'The Serial Publication in Britain of the Novels of Wilkie Collins.' [42K PDF file]
    In Humanitas 33 (February 1995), Waseda University Law Society.

'Ideologies of English Language Education in Japan.'
    In JALT Journal 17:2 (November 1995), Japan Association for Language Teaching.
    Available from: <>.

'Industrial Relations: Carlyle's Influence on Hard Times.' [58K PDF file]
    In Humanitas 34 (February 1996), Waseda University Law Society.

'Wilkie in the Weeklies: The Serialization and Syndication of Collins's Late Novels.'
    In Victorian Periodicals Review 30:3 (Fall 1997).

'Last Things: Materials Relating to Collins in the Watt Collection at Chapel Hill.'
    In Wilkie Collins Society Journal NS 1 (November 1998).
    Available from: <>.

'"Engaged to Messrs. Tillotson and Son": Letters from John Maxwell, 1882-8.'
    In Humanitas 37 (February 1999), Waseda University Law Society.

'Before Tillotsons: Novels in British Provincial Newspapers, 1855-1873.'
    In Victorian Periodicals Review 32:1 (Spring 1999).

'"Belt and Braces" Serialization: The Case of Heart and Science' (with Steve Farmer).
    In Wilkie Collins Society Journal NS 2 (November 1999).
    Available from: <>.

'International Perspectives on the Newspaper Novel.'
    In Humanitas 38 (February 2000), Waseda University Law Society.

'The Newspaper Novel: Towards an International History' (with Norimasa Morita).
    In Media History 6:1 (June 2000).

'"Poor Fargus": On Wilkie Collins and Hugh Conway'.
    In Wilkie Collins Society Journal NS 3 (November 2000).

    Available from: <>.

'Above the Common Herd? Bulwer Lytton and Serialization.'
    In Humanitas 39 (February 2001), Waseda University Law Society.

'New Woman Novels in Newspapers'.
    In Media History 7:1 (June 2001, 'The New Woman and the Periodical Press' Special Issue).

'A World Elsewhere: National Identity and the British New Wave',
    In Humanitas 40 (March 2002), Waseda University Law Society.

'Slimming or Slumming?: Dickens and the Shift from Monthly to Weekly Serialization',
    In The Dickens Fellowship Japan Branch Bulletin 25 (October 2002).

'Collins and Chattos: The Reading Papers.'
    In Wilkie Collins Society Journal NS 5 (November 2002).
    Available from: <>.

'Towards an International History of the Newspaper Novel' (in Japanese, with Norimasa Morita).
    In Bungaku 4:1/2 (January 2003), Iwanami Shoten.

'More Light on the Serial Publication of Tess of the D'Urbervilles ' (with John Stock Clarke).
    In Review of English Studies 54:213 (February 2003), Oxford University Press. Reprinted in The Thomas Hardy Journal 20:2 (June 2004).

'Trollope and the Newspapers.'
    In Media History 9:1 (April 2003)

'Japan and the Internationalization of the Serial Fiction Market' (with Norimasa Morita).
    In Book History 6 (November 2003), Pennsylvania State University Press.

'Women's Sensation Narrative and Newspaper Fiction: On Dora Russell's Beneath the Wave'
    In Humanitas 42 (February 2004), Waseda University Law Society.

'"Savouring of the Australian Soil"?: On the Sources and Affiliations of Colonial Newspaper Fiction.'
    In Victorian Periodicals Review 37:4 (Special Issue, edited by Rosemary VanArsdel, on periodicals of Australia, New Zealand, and  South Africa; Winter 2004).

'Modes of Publication of Women's Sensation Fiction: Commodities and Communities.'
    In Waseda Global Forum 1 (March 2005), SILS.
    Available from: <>.

'The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins: Addenda and Corrigenda (1)' (with William Baker, Andrew Gasson, Paul Lewis).
   In Wilkie Collins Society Journal NS 8 (November 2005).

    Available from: <>.

'A Tale of Two Authors: On the shorter fiction of Gaskell and Collins.'
    In Gaskell Studies (Japan Gaskell Society) 16 (October 2006). Revised version in Wilkie Collins Society Journal NS 9 (December 2006).
    Available from: <>.

'The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins: Addenda and Corrigenda (2)' (with William Baker, Andrew Gasson, Paul Lewis).
   In Wilkie Collins Society Journal NS 9 (December 2006).

    Available from: <>.

'"A Vile Way of Publishing": Gissing and Serials.'
   In Victorian Review (Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada) 33:1 (April 2007).

'Sympathy for the Devil: or, When was the ending of A Life's Morning rewritten?'
    In Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies 12:1 (December 2007).

'The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins: Addenda and Corrigenda (3)' (with William Baker, Andrew Gasson, Paul Lewis).
   In Wilkie Collins Society Journal NS 10 (December 2007).
    Available from: <>.

'The Serial Revolution at the Periphery'
     In Angles on the English Speaking World NS10: Moveable Type, Mobile Notions: Transactions in Book History (July 2010).

'Out of Her Hands: On the Charlotte M. Brame Manuscripts in the O'Neill Collection (MSS 0141)'
    In Waseda Global Forum 8 (March 2012), SILS.
    Available from: <>

'Old vs. New Journalism and the Public Sphere; or, Habermas Encounters Dallas and Stead' (with Matthew Sterenberg)
    In 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century (U. of London, Birkbeck College) 16 (March 2013).
    Available from:  <>.

'On the Provenance of Two Late "American Stories" Attributed to Wilkie Collins'
    In Waseda Global Forum 10 (March 2014), SILS
, Waseda University.
    Available from: <>

'The "realm of the dead" and Modern Media: The Strange Case of W.T. Stead'

    In Transcommunication 7-1 (Spring 2020), GSICCS, Waseda University.
Available from:  <>

'Nineteenth-century Soaps: Towards a Comparative Account of the Popular Victorian Serial Tale.'
    In Transcommunication
7-2 (Fall 2020), GSICCS, Waseda University.
    Available from: <>

'Being Alone: Experiences of Isolation in the Imaginary Worlds of His Dark Materials.'
    In Literary Geographies 6:2 ('Literary Geographies in Isolation', Dec. 2020).
    Available from: <>

Grace Gilchrist, 'George Eliot and Her Creed', edited with an introduction.
   In George Eliot—George Henry Lewes Studies 75:1 (Nov. 2023).

Contributions to Academic Reference Works
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'Periodicals and Syndication.'
    In A Companion to the Victorian Novel, ed. William Baker & Kenneth Womack. Greenwood Press, Westport CT., 2002.
Go to Reviews and Comments on A Companion to the Victorian Novel

Biographical Entries on Victorian novelists: F.J. Fargus (vol. 19), K.S. Macquoid (vol. 36), and J. Saunders (with two co-subjects, vol. 49).
    In Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 60 vols, Oxford University Press. September 2004.

'The Professional Writer and the Literary Market Place.'
    In The Cambridge Companion to Wilkie Collins, ed Jenny Bourne Taylor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Go to Reviews and Comments on The Cambridge Companion to Wilkie Collins

Approx. 25 entries, including 'Copyright', 'Anonymity and Signature', and 'Serials and the 19th-century Publishing Industry' (500 words each).
    In Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism, eds. Laurel Brake & Marysa Demoor, Academia Press, Ghent / The British Library, 2009.

***RSVP (Research Society for Victorian Periodicals) Colby Book Prize for 2010***