Reviews and Comments on Indexes to Fiction
'Librarians and students of the Victorian period should be aware of the pamphlets published in this series, since they open an era (and in the present instance, a form of publication, the illustrated weekly) not fully covered by other indexing sources--not even by The Wellesley Index. . . Law's index cites fiction published in 3,271 numbers of The Illustrated London News and 1,674 of The Graphic, giving for each periodical a page of very full publishing information (proprietors, editors, format, circulation, issues indexed), an introduction that summarizes their importance in fiction publishing and in the British publishing scene, and indexes of fiction in both titles, first an author index that omits page numbers, then a chronological index that lists each title issue-by-issue with full publishing information.' 
  Robert Balay, author of Early Periodical Indexes (2000)
  Review in Choice (American Library Association) May 2002
  'Law's brief introductory essay provides a neat summary of the development of these two influential newspapers in the last quarter of the century: the technological developments, the centrist editorial positions, the cautious contributions to the advancement of women's rights, the kind and quality of the illustrations that accompanied the fiction. Law surveys the market for fiction, the effect of syndication on markets beyond London, and even the fee an author might be paid for a serial. He reminds us of the influence of A. P. Watt, the first successful literary agent, who, after negotiating sales with the metropolitan papers for his authors, was frequently employed by those same papers to sell the same serials to papers in the United States and the colonies.
  Law's indexes, arranged both chronologically and by author, provide both a handy finding tool and a fascinating record of the shifting fortunes of periodical fiction. ... Like the earlier guides in this series, Law's fiction indexes for the ILN and Graphic are important resources for scholars working in Victorian fiction or periodicals research and, as such, are essential tools for any research library.'

  Richard Fulton, Whatcom Community College
  Review in Victorian Periodicals Review 36:3 (Fall 2003)

'New from Victorian Fiction Research Guides is Graham Law's Indexes to Fiction, a useful index of over 3,000 fiction numbers of The Illustrated London News from 1842 to 1901 and over 1,500 numbers of The Graphic from 1869 to 1901. The book includes author and chronological indexes to fiction, detailed publishing information, six full-page illustrations, and summaries of each periodical's importance.'
  William Baker, Northern Illinois University, and Halie A. Crocker, Purdue University
  Comments in Year's Work in English Studies 82:7 (2003) 16

Copyright (C) Graham Law, 2003-5. All rights reserved.
First drafted Sat 23 Mar 2003.
Last revised Fri 28 October 2005.